Community Etiquette


Community Etiquette

We warmly welcome you to ACconnect. To ensure that our members have the best possible experience, we have established some basic guidelines for your participation on the platform.

Our mission is to provide an online community for continual learning, open dialogue, and a way for our members to connect internationally and share best practice in coaching. To that end, we will be working hard to ensure that we align our actions with that purpose. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the community but also help you understand what to expect from others in this space. By joining and using ACconnect, you agree that you have read and will follow these guidelines.

Please send any questions to

Community Etiquette 

  • By using ACconnect you agree to keep the discussions threads related to the community group theme.

  • Respect others. Please focus on the content of posts and not on the people making them. Please extend the benefit of the doubt to newer guests and members; there’s no such thing as a stupid question. 
  • Respect the purpose of the community. Use the community to share successes, challenges, constructive feedback, questions, and goals instead of products or services that you provide. If you’ve found a product or service helpful, please share your experience with the group in a respectful way. 
  • Please do not post anything you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you. All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are prohibited. 
  • We strive to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all our users. To support this goal, we do not publish content that criticises individuals, organizations, entities, or parties directly by name or in a way that makes them easily identifiable. However, we encourage constructive and respectful discussions and feedback that contribute to a productive and diverse dialogue. Thank you for helping us keep our community supportive and respectful.

Discussion Group Good Practices

We are always respectful. Please do treat other members of the AC Connect community with the same level of courtesy and respect that you would like to receive yourself. We all have a responsibility to ensure that our community remains professional, vibrant, and useful to all members.

We keep things legal. Keep posts legal, positive, and constructive. AC Connect is a private forum but any discussion of piracy, criminal activity or posting of libellous/defamatory content will not be tolerated. If you are unsure whether your post might fall foul of the law, please err on the side of caution!

We avoid advertising. Please do not make posts that are purely for promotional purposes. Marketing/self-promoting posts are not allowed in AC Connect. Persistent offenders will be removed. If you’re unsure and need clarification about any aspect of AC Connect, please email

We keep threads on track. It’s easy to go off on a tangent during a great discussion but avoid the temptation! The conversation flows better if you keep your posts relevant and constructive. If you see a thread going off-piste, point it out and bring it back on topic. If you believe that the diversion topic is valuable start a new thread or add to an existing one.

We avoid duplicating threads. Use the search function first to see if we’ve already covered the subject you’re interested in. Don’t post the same question across multiple forums and avoid duplicating posts. If in doubt, please email for advice.